Step Up to SIT so our communities can stand up to COVID-19!

Step Up to SIT

We matched student babysitters with essential workers in need of childcare.

The recent spread of COVID-19 results in unprecedented concern regarding impending crisis in a potentially overwhelmed healthcare system. Now that schools are closed, many families will be left without childcare options for their young children and, as a result, will need to stay home from work or potentially have their children congregate in crowded daycares for supervision. Parents staying home will leave communities with a significant shortage of workers (many of whom work in healthcare), and children in large groups will increase the transmission of the virus. Matching individual high school students to babysit one single-family limits transmission and allows our essential workers to continue to do their jobs. Step Up to SIT so your community’s essential workers can stand up to COVID-19!

Since the return to school, our services have not been needed. We will continue to reassess and become active again based on observed community needs! Please email with questions or concerns!


We’re Here To Help

Sign up to babysit or to request a match


Take Action

Want to create a Step Up to SIT organization in your own community? We’re here to help.